Freedom Made It

Mentorship & Social Enterprise

Our efforts to help survivors towards job preparedness and find gainful employment has pushed us to start a Social Enterprise/Mentorship Program, called: Freedom Made It.
Hand crafted items are designed and created by participants in the program, which are for sale on our Shop Page (click below). Survivors are also offered seminars in the basic skills of building, owning and running a small online retail enterprise. This includes business writing, basic bookkeeping, product photography, web-page building, and much more.
Not only does this work serve as a pathway to employment, but the mentoring component encourages a new self-definition of personal agency and skilled know-how.
Teaching Artist Training Initiative
Teaching Artist Training Initiative (TATI) is a program that Crossing Point Arts launched in 2018, providing training for survivors to lead their own arta workshops, as Teaching Artists.
When survivors discover their capacity for leadership, they are met with powerful acknowledgment by fellow-survivors. This very important step toward self-actualization for survivors in the TATI is an important role-model for the participants in their workshops. The sense of pride among the survivor-leaders is life-changing!
Our Teaching Artists provide training, mentorship and on-going support to our TATI trainees toward the goal of their teaching workshops in the arts in a variety of local anti-trafficking agencies. This step into a viable means of employment is an inspiration and an important anchor for survivors who are doing the hard work of rebuilding their lives.

Freedom Made It:
Business Seminars
2020 has afforded great opportunities to connect survivors to an array of professional women in the arts & business.
Zoom seminars have expanded the outlook and the sense of possibility for participants. Seminars were so far offered
in Business writing: Anne Pollack Web Building: Lafiya Watson Fashion/Culture Entrepreneurship: Giannie Couji
Music/Arts/Wellness Community: Reem Abdou Painting & Art Related Careers: Cheryl Rogers Working as a Teach-
ing Artist & Dancer: Renk Kocturk. If you would like to volunteer to lead a seminar, contact us!